A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Museum

In Saigon I was eager to see the Vietnam Propaganda.....I mean War Museum. It was hard for me to gather my thoughts as I saw endless posters, pictures, and video so one-sided it left no room for alternative understanding. Brainwashing tactics used by Ho Chi Minh and his regime to spread Communisum. Granted our foreign presence in Vietnam did not run smoothly and successfully I have never seen a national museum that depicted events so blatantly polarized. Propaganda like that I witnessed still remains everywhere in Vietnam according to my veteren friend Hai. Whom, after the war was sent to a military prison along with all those in the former South Vietnamese armed forces to be "reeducated" into Communism. I am so lucky to call the land of FREEDOM my home.