I don't know how the English do it? Alcohol must run through their veins at birth because they seem to always be syphoning down booze be it at a pub or nightclub, never suffering the massive hangovers that torment us Americans. Remember the early days in college where one could be massively intoxicated and wake up the next day to go about their normal lives and do it all over again another night in a row! The English have this uncanny ability throughout their entire lives...black plague or black liver?
"Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots....Everybody" Instead of the song "I'm in Miami B%$&@" it should be called "I'm in London and if one more person hands me a shot of a sugary concoction I am going to..." Unfortunately they don't drink the wonderful firewater of Mexico - Tequilla. It has been quite the search for my beverage of choice and when I finally found some I was pleased to say the least, as can be seen in the following clip...
Also, instead of posting up at one club like we do in LA, they gallivant from waterhole to waterhole until the sun rises. Needless to say it has taken its toll on my American anatomy...