A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Thursday, October 28, 2010


As the third safest country in the world according to Frommers, Japan prides itself on the integrity of its citizens. Children can be found roaming the streets, taking trains, and going about their daily lives without adult supervision. Brother to an 8 year old, my protective worries evoked a shocking realization that these youngers were completely self-sufficient - every American parent's worst nightmare...

Though idealist, why can't every society create an environment so secure that parent's overbearing ways don't act as a buffer from the real world and its upstanding citizens? If issues were to arise, help from any righteous adult would solve the situation, as I witnessed multiple times. It is interesting to note the mutual trust and respect the Japanese have for eachother. Honor is so highly valued that their culture is imperious to the crime and danger of most international cities.