A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Friday, December 17, 2010

Welcome to Communism.

Here are some photographs of my first day in Hanoi, Vietnam. I saw the preserved corpse of Ho Chi Minh who led North Vietnam and brought Communism to the country. It was awkward and eerie as I layed eyes on the remains of the very being my country fought against. I felt as if my every move was being watched as I was literally being grabbed by soldiers, shoved into a straight line, and told to take my hands out of my pockets. The whole experience was a metaphor for how I feel about this type of government.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cole, you've seriously described our experience so well (I'm not too sure how I'll be putting it into words :S) and have amazing photos to prove it.
    ps. love love love the new layout.
