A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Great Expectations

I go into all cities with high expectations owing to my American upbringing. One of my biggest goals on this journey is to try and look at the world with lower standards and pressure for perfection. Ergo, lowering the stress that builds up in my life on a daily basis while increasing my quality of life.

We as Americans are used to levels of service, pace, quality, cleanliness that exceeds nearly all other places to the point where traveling for some can be a literal culture shock, hindering them from enjoyment and experience in a new culture. 

On account of this notion, one can address the lack of travel and cultural diversity in lives of many Americans. Conversely, Australians I have found (from the past two months of assimilation with these gregarious humans) stress the importance of travel for their youth and throughout adulthood. Aussies have been around the world allowing for the expansion of their minds and outlook on life whıch makes them well-rounded people...

Traveling isn't simply an vacation from the real world but an important personal journey for all...

GMT: Greek Maybe Time

Whilst in the Greek Isles I experienced GMT no, not Greenwich Mean Time but the lax Greek mentality...Maybe the boat will arrive if the captain wants to work that day, or maybe the waiter will bring you your food when she is done with her cigarette, or maybe you will accomplish what you set out doing that day...

Frustrating my overbearing American expectations of instant gratification, it helped me realize that I maybe don't have to be anxious or impatient about everything? It became a running joke with my friend Chris, that when we experienced GMT we'd simply laugh and say “When in Greece…” to settle us down. I found a new appreciation for near perfect service I experience in America!