A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Buddhists have pride in their ancient religion and strong tradition. My religious beliefs aside, I appreciate their dedication and sacrifice. I have been fortunate enough to visit monasteries and interact with the charming monks. Doi Suthep is a temple that sits atop a vast mountain in Chiang Mai. Walking the grounds I came across a monk who performed a sacred blessing upon me. He tied a white string around my wrist as I knelt, while drops of blessed water fell upon my head. Definitely an experience I'll always remember.

Big Cats in Chiang Mai

Their piercing eyes enrapture you as the adrenaline rushes through your veins. I finally got the opportunity to experience Tigers face to face. These creatures are as magnificent as they are intimidating. When I first touched the notorious feline my fears seemed to dissipate with every breath as I felt the Tiger's deep huffs...
It was until he decided nap time was over, letting out a ferocious yawn that the game changed!
Fears....BACK. What the hell is going on here?! These guys only have twigs in their scrawny hands. Where's the stun gun? Then as if in his own world (probably on kitty xanax) he simply strolled past our meaningless bodies and found another spot to perch in. Phew...
The cubs were like playing with fun toddlers who don't whine or cry = awesome. 

Mile High Home

Planes have become my home. Literally. Relative to all the grimy modes of transport I have taken during my travels, aviation is first class. Imagine the last time you've been excited to go to the airport? The luxuries of airport lounges (thank you AMEX!) clean facilities, and friendly service are the little comforts that act in lieu of home. The view from the top doesn't hurt either...