A Year of Self/World/Life Discovery

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Trenches

I arrived in Saigon, or what is now referred to as Ho Chi Minh City. A name I can never bring myself to say especially after my visit to the Vietnam War tunnels of the Northern Viet Kong regime. Led by a Vietnamese veteran, I was given a first-hand and terribly graphic account of what occurred during the years of combat.

My new buddy "Hai" formerly served as a sergeant for South Vietnam, assisting the US during the War. The quirkiest and most lovable old man filled our ears with rather horrific stories, explaining the guerilla tactics used by the Viet Kong.

I was both saddened and enraged as I imagined the violence and demise of my countrymen having taken place on the ground I stood upon. Crawling through the tunnels and seeing the death traps put me over the edge...

When I emerged from the tunnels I heard guns firing in the distance and was told there was a shooting range on the property. I took that opportunity to release some inner frustrations with an M-16.

I'm no member of the NRA but shooting (in a controlled environment) is one of the most exhilarating experiences man can do. However, I can't even fathom aiming that weapon at another man. 
Then I took an inappropriate picture...or two

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